Hey there, Bubbalah, ya say it’s been weeks without rain and all your plants are wilting? Ya say it’s 98 degrees in the shade and all your Heliamphora are shriveling? Ya say your Butterworts got no slime, and your Drosera are all dry? Ya say your Darlingtonia are all full of mealybugs, and your Sarracenia full of thrips? And your Bladderworts have all deflated, and your Genlisea all unwound? And your Albany Pitcher Plants have all moved to New York City?

Well, lift your head up high and RSVP to our next meeting with dignity and stick-to-itivness and ya show us all, ya show us all, you’ll be there! And You’ll never give up, never give up, never give up…those plants!


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When is it?Permalink

Saturday, April 16th, 2022 at 11:11.

Cover chargePermalink

This meeting has an entrance fee of $4, and you may want to bring something to sit on if you can!

Where will it be?Permalink

We will be meeting at an outdoor location in Pasadena, with ability to go indoors if weather is inclement.

Sales and tradesPermalink

And, as usual, you can expect to see lots of really cool plants on display, and maybe even you’ll find some for sale to fill that gap in your collection! Hope to see you there…if you RSVP!

What to expect - in detailPermalink

Note: Read all the way to the end for a Special, Important Announcement!

This April 16th LACPS meeting is one you don’t want to miss! Our very own Vince, will go over Nepenthes propagation via cutting! We will be having hands on practice with member donated vines that you will then be able to take home and nurse into a vibrant and vigorous plant of your own!* And that’s not all you get! We will also be having special batches of vines shipped in from Florida and the collection of Nep Master Manny Herrera! Some of these may well be hybrids or varieties that you can’t get anywhere else! All attendees to the meeting will have a chance to get one or more of these cuttings depending on supplies. There will also be a dynamic and informative Q&A session, as always. All attendees are welcome to bring plants to display, trade, or sell, but NO pets. Start time is 11:11 AM. Light snacks and water will be available. We do not stand on ceremony in the LACPS, but you very well may be if you don’t BYOC (Bring Your Own Chair)! Masks required. There is a $4 meeting fee to defray logistical costs. This meeting will be held in the same location as the last, and if you don’t know where that is, you will only find out if you RSVP! Though even if you do, you should still RSVP.

*Individual results may vary.

Finally, here it is! The Special, Super Secret Announcement! Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone else!Permalink

Our June 25th meeting will be the resumption of our Special Huntington Tour! Yup! That’s right, our June meeting will take place at the Huntington, and will probably include an exclusive behind the scenes tour of the greenhouses! You don’t want to miss this one! But the only way you’ll go is if you attend the April 16th meeting and sign up! Seating is limited to this event, and it’s first come first served.

Remember, be there, or be octagonal!

