February 2022 Meeting
In less than two weeks it’s the first LACPS meeting of the year and you don’t want to miss it! We will be meeting in the same location as the last meeting, so if you didn’t attend that, the only way you’ll know where we will be is to RSVP via the form below. Though even if you did, we still need you to RSVP just so we know who might be showing up.
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If the above form doesn’t work for you, please use the form at http://eepurl.com/hUAF_5.
What to expect
The theme of this meeting is Plant Prophylaxis. DJ Frank will be discussing Sarracenia Repotting, trimming, pest inspection and dividing, and might also cover Drosera depending on what’s going on in the collection. If anyone else would like to cover Nepenthes or Flytraps or Butterworts, just bring your visual aids and we’ll give you the soapbox! Or maybe we will just do a Q&A, We always have experienced growers attending, who love to share their knowledge!
Special Meeting Bonus!
FREE Nepenthes seed as supplies last! Recently harvested seed of N ([{thorellii x superba mixta}xalbomarginata]F x {thorellii x dyeriana}M)! This is a cross recently made by DJ of two Leo Song CSUF Heritage plants. Will these seeds be any good? Who knows? I so rarely have two Nepenthes of the opposite sex flowering in sync that I have little experience with them, and the only other time I tried, I had no germination. So be a part of the grand experiment, and dip your foot into the exciting world of Nepenthes Seed Germination! It’s fun for the whole family!
When is it?
Saturday, February 19th, 2022 at 11:00.
Cover charge
This meeting has an entrance fee of $4, and you may want to bring something to sit on if you can!
Where will it be?
We will be meeting at an outdoor location in Pasadena, with ability to go indoors if weather is inclement.
Sales and trades
And, as usual, you can expect to see lots of really cool plants on display, and maybe even you’ll find some for sale to fill that gap in your collection! Hope to see you there…if you RSVP!