Los Angeles International Fern Society LACPS outreach announcement

LACPS will be doing an outreach/fundraiser on June 8th and 9th! We have been offered display and vendor tables (for a fee) at the annual show and sale of the Los Angeles International Fern Society’s annual show on Ferns and exotic plants. It is held at the beautiful Los Angeles Arboretum in Arcadia CA.

Read more about the LAIFS on the LAIFS website

Who can goPermalink

We would encourage all members to attend and participate. Our last event had over a couple thousand dollars in sales, and interactions with hundreds of people who got a newfound interest in CPs. Check the mailing list for details and updates.

What to expectPermalink

Below are pictures of what our booth looked like at the Orange County Pet Expo;

Los Angeles Carnivorous Plant Society booth at the Orange County Pet Expo

Visitors at the Los Angeles Carnivorous Plant Society booth at the Orange County Pet Expo

