It’s August, and the next LACPS Meeting draws near!

When is it?Permalink

Saturday August 17, 2024.

The start time will be 11:11AM as per usual. Program/presentation TBA, so keep checking back! And afterwards whoever wishes can join us as we run off to some local eatery for some nosh. Entry fee, as always, is $4

Where will it be?Permalink

The meeting will be held at our Woodland Hills location…which is in the lovely western San Fernando Valley at 4501 Deseret Dr., Woodland Hills 91364, in the LDS Temple. Enter the parking lot off of Deseret, don’t park on Mulholland, or it will be a long walk for you!

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Check out the nifty graphic below to see how to enter the parking lot.

LACPS Woodland Hills, California meeting location

Extra meetingPermalink

And ALSO…this month we have a bonus second meeting! In proper LACPS fashion the second meeting will come first and is coming up THIS WEEKEND! LACPS will have a sales booth at the SDCPS show and sale which happens August 3rd and 4th, and we will happily accept any donations from club members who might have extra plants they need to unload to make room for something new! Come on down, see the really cool show plants (none of which will be DJ’s because, for some godforsaken reason, they want him judging, and that will surely bring the average quality of plants up!), buy some new plants for your collection…maybe volunteer at the booth! Deets can be found on the SDCPS website.

Special announcementPermalink

And speaking of new things, the LACPS will be unveiling some super secret NEW thing at this event that you absolutely must see to believe! What is it? It’s SO super secret, even I don’t know what it is! But I guarantee you, it will blow your socks off! Or you will, at least, be pleasantly surprised.

Sales and tradesPermalink

At this meeting there will be plants for sale and trade! Maybe some on display!

