February Meeting in Woodland Hills
You say all your plants have floated away in the rain and you need to get more?
Well, have we got a deal for you! An LACPS meeting with plants for sale! What types, you say? Well, depends on what people bring for sale and trade!
Where will it be?Permalink
And where will this happen? At a new meeting location! Not that we don’t love meeting at Leslie’s house, we do! But we figured we’d give her a break this go round, and try out a new potential regular meeting spot. We’ll be meeting at the church located at 4501 Deseret Dr., Woodland Hills 91364, There is ample parking in the parking lot which is accessed off of Deseret. You can park on Mulholland, but then you’d just have to walk around anyway to get to the meeting spot which is off the parking lot.
Check out the nifty graphic below to see how to enter the parking lot.
When is it?Permalink
Saturday February 17, 2024.
The start time will be 11:11AM as per usual. Program/presentation TBA, so keep checking back! And afterwards whoever wishes can join us as we run off to some local eatery for some nosh. Entry fee, as always, is $4
Our presentation this time will be our very own John Green educating us on how to sow, sprout and raise Sarracenia seed into maturity! You don’t want to miss this one!
Sales and tradesPermalink
At this meeting there will be plants for sale and trade! Maybe some on display!