April Meeting at CSUF
The April 21th 2018 meeting will be held this Saturday at the California State University Fullerton Biology Greenhouse Complex.
Meeting notes from Ed Read:Permalink
I am so happy that we will soon all congregate at the greenhouses to enjoy each others company and plants. Spring is definitely in the air and the plants are showing off. You will have plenty to see and enjoy.
The meeting will not have a speaker but I will have some announcements.
For directions to the meeting see the photo I posted in the April 16, 2006 photo album. Let’s see if this link works: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/LACPS/photos/albums/1610424524
For those who usually drive up State College from the 91 freeway be warned that it is closed due to construction of a grade separation.
From the 57 exit Nutwood Avenue and go west toward campus. On the corner of Nutwood and State College Blvd. is the Nutwood Parking structure. Park there and walk out the NE corner and follow the footpath east. You will see the tall red brick wall and the huge white water tower as you head east. Follow this red perimeter wall clockwise (turn right at the corner) and you will arrive to an entrance gate. Enter and continue straight in until you see the open door of the head house.
We are asking a $3 donation and will provide refreshments.
Carnivorous Plants WelcomePermalink
As usual, everyone is encouraged to bring plants for show, sale, or trade.
A few students have volunteered to help out and they are happy to answer any questions that you may have. There will be a cart available (first come first serve) to carry your plants but many of you savvy growers already have something with wheels to truck things back and forth. Reverse osmosis water will be available for your plants. Feel free to take photos. Everyone is nice so don’t be shy to introduce yourself and ask questions. I will try as always to help answer questions and discuss things but I am just getting my voice back so please forgive me if I am not as attentive as usual.
If you plan on bringing youngsters please know that you will need to keep a keen eye on them at all times. My son has revealed many hazards that I hadn’t realized and that’s not including all of the dangerous and poisonous plants! So, all children must be accompanied and supervised by their adult at all times.
Please no touching plants or plant tags! What was the data on this rare plant ??? Hmm, it had a tag the last time that I saw it but what happened? Has this ever happened to you? Well it happens here and it is a royal bummer so please never pull up or touch our fragile plant tags to see what it says. Ask me if you really need to know. Just as it is common courtesy to ask before petting a dog; it is common courtesy to ask before touching a plant and especially important to ask permission to touch a tag.
Student research is in progress in the lath house so please be aware to not touch the plants and excuse the caution tape. Our student Kyle has said that he will be there to feed the Nepenthes the fingers of those who get too close to his plants. Fair warning.
Restrooms are in the building north of the greenhouses. See the photo map I posted.
There should be a good showing of plants to acquire. There will be a table in the lath house to stage your plants for show or trade. Remember to be courteous and never pick up a plant without asking it’s owner. Putting your name by your trays is a good way to help people find you so that they can talk with you about them. It’s remarkable how many of us can just tell who the owner is by how nice they look and what they are. Game on folks!
A big thanks from me to the LACPS members who have done a great job at keeping the meetings going and advancing the hobby here in our beautiful Los Angeles and Orange County.